
Rebuild master database sql server 2008 r2
Rebuild master database sql server 2008 r2

rebuild master database sql server 2008 r2

REINSTALL = This parameter controls what specific sub processes are kicked-off by setup.exe.Can be omitted if the instance being rebuilt is a default instance of SQL Server. INSTANCENAME = Instance name for SQL Server if the target instance is a named instance.This parameter can be omitted on a non-clustered instance of SQL Server. VS = If this is a clustered instance then you'll need to include the VS (Virtual Server) parameter which is the name of the virtual server for the instance being rebuilt.I prefer to know what is occurring with the processes I am running and I recommend this world view to all other DBAs no matter how informed and proficient they are, therefore you'll see I choose /qb for the switch in my sample script below. switch = /qb does not suppress errors and notification from the workstation during the rebuild process.= path where the SQL Server 2005 setup.exe file is located.Start /wait \setup.exe INSTANCENAME= REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 ADMINPASSWORD= SAPWD= SQLCOLLATION= Open command prompt then run the following command, substituting the required values for your instance:

rebuild master database sql server 2008 r2 rebuild master database sql server 2008 r2 rebuild master database sql server 2008 r2

Open Command Prompt and Initiate Rebuild Process This can be loaded directly into the DVD drive of your workstation/server, or copied locally from a file share somewhere on your domain. Load the necessary media that corresponds to the edition and platform for the SQL instance that you're preparing to rebuild. By detaching the user databases before the rebuild it assures a clean rebuild and removes any chance of contention on the files just in case something goes awry in the rebuild process. When the master database is rebuilt, it has no metadata that corresponds to any user databases or objects on the instance. Using the script saved as 0.sql from the first tip in this series, you will first need to detach all user databases. The media that was used to install SQL Server the first time.Scripts that were created from the first tip in this series.Before getting started there are a few prerequisites that you will need.

Rebuild master database sql server 2008 r2